It's no coincidence that it’s during the hottest part of summer that the BCRX editorial team got the sudden inspiration for our best BCRX protein recipe idea to date: popsicles! Literally, why didn’t we think of this sooner? Thses tasty frozen treats are the perfect solution for staying cool and fit in this mid-summer heat wave.
You can use your BODY COMPLETE RX Meal Replacement Protein Powder with any of these protein popsicle recipes. As you know our Banana, Caramel Frappe, Chocolate, Peach, Pina Colada, and Vanilla flavors are all pink because of our star ingredient (psst...it’s beets, you can learn more of the health benefits of beets here.) So, keep in mind whichever popsicle recipe you chose...it’s sure to be “pretty in pink”.
These Protein packed popsicles are great for a post-workout recovery snack, after dinner, or even for breakfast. They’re all guilt-free and packed full of good for you nutrients, so enjoy!
Not So Basic Vanilla + Chocolate Protein Popsicle Recipe From The Flavor Bender
The star ingredients in this recipe are dates! A favorite in healthy dessert cooking because of their ability to sweeten and thicken recipes. Fun fact, dates are packed full of iron. Iron is needed for healthy red-blood cells and to move oxygen rich blood throughout your body. This recipe is GF (gluten-free), vegan and no added sugar. You can click here to get theflavorbender.com’s smooth and sweet recipe.

Sticky Sweet Peaches and Cream Smoothie Protein Popsicle From Oh So Delicioso
This peaches and cream recipe, pairs sweetly with your BODY COMPLETE RX Vanilla, Banana or Pina Colada protein powder, and it’s only three ingredients. Simple and sweet-tooth satisfying. Use fresh peaches in this recipe to reap the health benefits of the fresh fruit. Peaches are also a good source of fiber. One medium peach may have up to 2g of fiber, and could help with digestion and keeping you regular. You can find the recipe and tips and tricks on ohsodelicio.com.

Chia Coconut Kiwi Protein Popsicle Recipe From The Little Epicurean
What do Kiwi’s, Chia Seeds, and Coconut all have in common? They’re all good for you and taste amazing when paired together. Try this recipe with either our vanilla protein powder or if you’re feeling more adventurous your BCRX Pina Colada or Chocolate Protein Powder. This recipe calls for agave syrup as a sweetener, which is low in glucose and won’t spike your blood sugar as much as using normal sugar in the recipe would. You can find the recipe for the Chia Coconut Kiwi Protein Popsicles, here on thelittleepicurean.com.

Creamy Greek Yogurt Blackberry Protein Popsicles From Healthy Fitness Meals
We recommend pairing this blackberry popsicle recipe with our Vanilla BODY COMPLETE RX Protein Powder, and to add a pop of color mix in some lemon zest shavings. Blackberries, vanilla, and lemon are always a refreshing combination. Make sure to use fresh Blackberries to get the benefits of fruits' most abundant vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. You can find the Blackberry Popsicle recipe here on healthyfitnessmeals.com

Old-School Orange Creamsicle Protein Popsicles From Damy Health
The secret ingredient in this recipe is cashew butter. Sfadvancedhealth.com, says: “[...]it’s one of the best sources of monounsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, and magnesium. These nutrients are beneficial for blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol control, bone health, the immune system, and your metabolism.” Go for an unsalted and un-roasted brand of Cashew Butter, and make sure the sugar content is low. You can find the recipe for the Orange Creamsicle Protein Popsicles on DamyHealth.com.

Mango JackFruit Protein Popsicles From The Little Epicurean
Okay, these popsicles definitely win the ‘best-dressed award on this list. You can head on over to Thelittleepicurean.com for information on what kind of popsicle mold she uses, when to add the wooden stick, and how to decorate your popsicles! Buy ripe jackfruit, making sure it’s orange and not green. Young jackfruit is green and tastes like pork, perfect for vegan tacos (not popsicles). Ripe Jackfruit is sticky and sweet, similar to a mango in flavor (it’s my favorite fruit!) Healthline.com says, “There is anecdotal evidence that eating it [jackfruit] may slow the aging of your skin.”
Very Pina Colada Creamsicles From Damy Health
We had to include a ‘pure’ Pina Colada protein popsicle recipe on this list! Use our Pina Colada Vegan Protein Powder or if you don’t have it, our vanilla protein powder. This recipe calls for light coconut milk, which can add to the calorie count, but is full of potassium. You can actually ‘sweat out’ potassium during exercise, making these one of the best replenishing protein bars for after a heavy workout.

Dreamy Lemon Meringue Pie Protein Popsicles From One Clever Chef
This keto-friendly recipe will quite literally have you making a lemon meringue pie, but on a popsicle stick. You're even using cinnamon for your graham cracker 'crust'. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties so of course we think this is a great post-workout treat. You can find the recipe for the Lemon meringue Pie Protein Popsicles on onecleverchef.com.
You can most definitely can enjoy being healthy, and you 100% don't need to sacrifice your sweet-tooth for the cause of wellness, this list of protein popsicles serves to prove it. Enjoy your wellness journey and it will become a lifestyle you're eager to keep up!
BCRX Content Writer, Klarrisa Arafa