Nourish Super Food Bar - Plant-Based Protein for a Trim Waistline
Rich in prebiotics and antioxidants, this plant-based protein bar is not only a complete meal replacement option, but also rich ingredients that aid in debloating and anti-aging, keeping your waistline trim and you looking more youthful. Slimming? Anti-Aging? This is not your average protein bar. Key Ingredients: Pea Protein: A plant-based protein that helps lower cholesterol. Sweet Potato: A rich source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, this veggie is also a natural appetite suppressant. Amino Acids: These vital ingredients help you build muscle and recover faster. Beet Root: This superfood is also packed with vitamins and minerals to help support heart and brain health (this is what gives the protein the pink color). Trims Waistline: Protein rich diets help you stay fuller longer, which means fewer cravings and less grazing. Adaptogens: These herbal pharmaceuticals work to combat stress in the body.
Contains: Cashews, Strawberries, Blueberries, and Cherries
Plant Based | 100% Drug-Free | Soy-Free | GMP Certified | Made in USA