Sayings to Keep You Feeling Grateful Thanksgiving 2020
A very different kind of Thanksgiving has arrived. If you are spending this Thanksgiving alone, you may be feeling a little anxiety! And for those of you who are gathering, you might find yourself equally stressed. Well the best way to combat those pandemic blues is of course, to read motivational quotes that inspire you.
We put together a mini-list of Instagram quotes to help you find your inner calm!
Instagram Is NOT The Standard!
You are bound to spot some holiday stories on social this month. Don’t feel disheartened if your holiday doesn’t feel as glamorous or normal as it appears to be on someone else's Instagram. Instead, give extra care and tend to your spirit with only good energy and not bitterness.
We are so grateful that technology will let us bridge the gap with the people we love this season!
Thanksgiving Day Has Arrived, How Not To Get Sad
Yes, it sucks you can't be with your family and friends as per the usual. However; keep yourself in the right energy and you'll get through this holiday, and maybe even enjoy it!
We are so grateful that we can control what we focus on, that our minds are powerful, and that we can channel our love to everyone that we miss today!
How To Not Let Bad Thoughts Brew Into Post-Holiday Depression
It's been a rough year, there is no doubt about it. Some of us have lost family due to the pandemic or otherwise. If you've lost someone this year make sure to set out a chair for them and take the time to reflect on everything you loved about them! All of your moments together are still with you and it's up to you remember them joyously.
Being away from family during the holidays could also cause some separation anxiety. When you find yourself getting worked up, take a step back. Shift your thoughts to happy memories. It may not work every time, but self awareness is a big step in the right direction of taking control of your emotions.
We are so grateful for good health of our relatives that have been well during such a turbulent time.
Embrace Being Alone
Yes, we are telling you to look at the other side of spending Thanksgiving alone. No expensive shopping lists. There is no one with food allergies or following Keto diet to cook for. And you don't have to stay up all night preparing a feast. Take a break this year, and put your feet up. Maybe grab a glass of wine and try some journaling!
Love who you are and try not to be afraid to spend some time alone!
Feel Your Feelings And Still Feel Grateful
Feeling sad is normal, you don't need to fight the bad feelings. If you want to dive into this concept then put on the movie Inside Out! Grab some hot cider and popcorn and get ready for a tear-jerker that will leave you feeling light and hopeful at the end.
I am patient, kind, and compassionate with myself and for that I am grateful!