Find Your Reason To Live Abundantly
None of us figured it out when, or how, we thought we would. Some of us just fell into our life’s passion. The rest of us had to work diligently to find out exactly what would call us forward.
Inner child work, shadow work, and adopting an abundance mindset are all great strategies to finding out what you’re missing.
But there’s another way, a simpler way, that won’t require a lot of preparation or a learning curve.
We want you to get bored
Pick a day where you do nothing.
First things first, there needs to be absolutely nothing on your schedule. Call it a lazy day or a day off. There will only be one small difference, your goal is to get very bored and then indulge the desires that arise.
Avoid binge-watching television. Challenge yourself to dig deeper and reach for activities that bring a grin to your face when you visualize doing them. Find your joy.
What you gravitate toward, or create in that space of time, may point you toward a purpose. This practice is something we should learn as children.
To create and act out our own desires seems straightforward, but most of us so-called adults cannot do this one thing every day. And because of this, there is this limbo-space that can seem scary because there’s no outside pressure to perform.
In today’s culture, we all want to appear to be in the thick of the hustle, 24/8. Yes, we said eight, because even though there are not eight days in a week, we work like there are. It’s impossible to exist like this and give yourself care.
Boredom as a ‘space’ is something we should have been exposed to as children. Parents nowadays may call it independent or self-directed play.
“Experts agree that children today are over-scheduled and over-stimulated and recommend parents and caregivers view bored kids as an opportunity, rather than a burden. [...]When a child is bored, they are learning that they need to create their own fun and entertainment,” McBain says. “They need to explore their world. They need to learn new things on their own.” -Kate Ward for Care.com
Sometimes You Need To Do Some Soul Investigating
Try new things. Your willingness to be open to new experiences shines a light on your personality. And vice versa, if trying new things scares you take a closer look at established hobbies.
Either way, you want to scout out activities that bring you pleasure outside of work, or what you do for money.
Hobbies are a lighthouse’s bright light, beaconing across a murky ocean. Maybe you like to read and then post reviews on Quora or Goodreads. Maybe you could start recording videos for TikTok or Instagram Reels. Who knows what could come of this hobby, what matters is the way it makes you feel while creating. The result doesn’t need to be monetary in the beginning.
You don’t need to start a business plan right out the gate based on something you enjoy doing and then find all of your enthusiasm dried up.
Letting Go of Obligations
What we feel obligated to do or accomplish in life may be generically adopted into our own sense of selves. *Read, we shouldn’t go through life chasing after our parent’s dreams for our lives.*
If you get nothing else from this article, internalize this, what you’re meant to do, is knowledge you already have. Whether it’s only an urge or an inkling of an idea at this time, the seed is within you.
To pull off this moment of self-discovery, be prepared to tell people no. Set boundaries, turn your phone on do-not-disturb. Intentional actions are the only way you’ll be able to hear the curiosity within.
That’s what you’re ultimately listening for; a string of thoughts, a slight tug of desire. Then you act on it.
Be confident in yourself, and create space to explore. Get bored. Find your reason to live abundantly and avoid living a life you don’t truly want. Start living and find joy by unlearning who you thought you should be and learning who you really are at the cellular level.