6 Things You Should Always Keep in Mind As You're Manifesting
6 Things You Should Always Keep In Mind As You're Manifesting
Tanya Caroll Richardson for MindBodyGreen
As a psychic intuitive, I regularly work with clients who are trying to manifest new opportunities and really become co-creators in their own lives. Here are a few mental tips and rituals I've seen be really effective at getting people into the manifestation mindset and bringing their dreams—whether it's attracting financial abundance or making more like-minded friends—into reality. May they help you attract all the wonderful opportunities that you're after:
1. Is your mind getting in the way of your highest good?
The mind loves to strategize and analyze. Brainstorming and executing a plan may be second nature for you, but when it comes to manifesting, it’s best to surrender and let your mind be open to all possibilities. Who knows—the Universe might have something better than the mind can come up with! When you begin trying to manifest a new job, lifestyle, partner, roommate, or anything else, don’t latch on to too many details. Remain open and mentally flexible.
2. Watch for signs.
Train your brain to be more present and watch for signs from the Universe. When you're trying to make a big change or bring something new into your life, the Universe will begin sending you tons of guidance. Watch for synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, and wise words from friends, loved ones, and even strangers. I explore what these could look like in depth in my book Angel Insights, but repeating numbers and songs are common signs.
3. Curb judgmental or negative thoughts.
When harnessing the co-creative magic of the Universe, you’ll get more bang for your buck if you make the decision to be optimistic and look on the bright side. If someone or something is very triggering and leads you down a black hole of negative thinking, try to avoid them or the situation, or use mindfulness to redirect your thoughts. Show mercy on yourself and others when you can since you are asking for mercy from the Universe to help with your manifestation. The Universe loves a dance partner who is grateful.
If you’re going through a rough patch, remember that you can be sad and still genuinely grateful for the blessings in your life. Make space to feel into and process your emotions—especially the negative ones—and it will be easier to think positively.
4. Keep your intention at the front of your mind.
Often people do not make much headway with a manifestation goal because they don't check in with it often enough. Putting a sticky note up on the bathroom mirror as a reminder of your goal or making a phone date to talk to a close friend or relative about it are both great ways to stay proactive. This keeps your eye on the prize, so to speak.
5. Stay aware of your claircognizant abilities.
Claircognizance is the mental psychic pathway, where you can receive instant downloads from heaven or brilliant ah-ha ideas. Pay special attention to those notions that seem to pop into your mind "out of nowhere" or any large chunks of information that appear rapidly.
6. Keep your mind engaged with ritual.
Rituals are best when you enjoy them, so if you read about a ritual, don’t be afraid to personalize it in some way. Here are two to get you started!
Create a nature altar.
Go outside and collect anything that calls to you—sticks, rocks, leaves, flowers, dirt. Then find a spot on your porch or in your backyard where you can assemble an altar. If you’re a city dweller, buy a bouquet with a bunch of different types of flowers, and then use the petals, leaves, and stems to create your little display. As you arrange the natural objects in a pretty or interesting pattern (check out Morning Altars for inspiration), think about your manifestation goal and silently ask that the energy of the earth come to your assistance. Leave your altar out for the week, and every time you look at it, thank the earth for its help with your manifestation. Go out of your way to live greener that week, even permanently adopting a new green habit. Get inspired by other people’s altars.
Perform a candle and journal ritual.
Set aside some quiet time (20 minutes) when you know you will not be interrupted and when you’re not too crazed (no deadlines looming or screaming babies wanting to be fed). Spend a few minutes taking some deep breaths and quieting your mind. Light a candle to open the ritual and pause to enjoy the flickering flame. Get out your journal, but instead of writing down what you did earlier in the day or what’s been on your mind, continue to let your mind be blank. Silently ask the Universe or your soul what you most need to know right now about your manifestation efforts. Try to let the ideas and words come through you, as with automatic writing.
You should see some surprises on the page when you finish, things that make you say, "I never thought of that before!" You might see some desires or fears you were aware of but didn’t want to admit to yourself or others. Once you’re done, sit and gaze again at the candle’s flame, and then blow it out to close the ritual. Be sure to silently thank Spirit and your guides for any ideas or words of wisdom that came through.