PSA: Your Happiness Matters
Here are 8 Very Compelling Reasons Why:
There was no purpose for you to be born into this world so that you could appease the people or become famous, but rather learn what it is to live.
The fact that you are not a living being owned by anyone else is a sign that you are free and therefore able to seek happiness on your own terms.
In order to feel good each and every day, you have to decide how you want to feel. It is up to you to make sure that good moments happen in your life. It is true that some bad things can happen, but what you can do is react to them and then react to your reaction to them. The chances of seeking happiness instead of rejecting yourself are abundant, so you should take advantage of them.
The only person who can provide you with the validation you are truly looking for is you. By feeling every emotion available to you, including happiness, you validate your existence.
Why shouldn't your happiness matter? Can you tell me who told you that you should not seek to enjoy yourself and your life to the fullest extent possible? It seems that if someone tells you not to do so, then it would be best to look at the old saying, “hurt people, hurt people.”
It is important to feel happy, but it is not necessary to feel overwhelming bliss to do so. The feeling of being content, satisfied, present, and unbothered can be experienced. That's also happiness. The fact that happiness is such a vast concept means that we should seek it unabashedly. The best we can do with our lives is to live them to the fullest.
Don't be scared of the tough moments. Happiness is not defined by one good moment, but by many complex life experiences. In addition, do not use your search for happiness as an excuse to ignore human emotions. Having a mental breakdown for one or even three days doesn't invalidate your journey.
When you first breathed air into your tiny lungs, you had no choice but to live, so live well.
As we all know, happiness is a complex concept, as it is both a feeling that we get from remembering pleasant moments in the past as well as the feeling of experiencing the beauty of the present. (It's true, we learned about that bit from a video we saw on TEDx.
Our last piece of advice for staying happy is as follows. Move through life with youthful vigor. Keep your vision for progress in mind, even throughout any stumbles. With your life satisfaction on the line you'll need to rapidly pick yourself up. But always keep the lesson in your back pocket.
Follow this formula and your path will soon become clear to you. Oh! And a record of your accomplishments and reflecting on them occasionally will always make you feel nice.
TLDR; Being proud of your day-to-day behavior can make you feel happy.