What is Weight Loss Maintenance?
Getting to one's desired weight and staying there is called weight-loss maintenance. However, the process of staying within a particular weight range can be challenging for many reasons. We believe you can maintain weight loss more readily when you grasp the small details.
People who have lost weight and gained it all back need to read about what is weight loss maintenance.
The problem is called yo-yo dieting and it is a serious problem for many people trying to change their bodies. Any lifestyle changes made in the name of weight loss must be ones you can live with for the long run. Trending diets frequently become catalysts to yo-yo dieting. To sum it up, living healthy, losing weight, and achieving your goals begins in the mind. Self-sabotage is likely when your attention strays from what's best for your longevity (e.g., lack of confidence or get thin quick schemes.) Really, a little self-awareness and action can get you anywhere you want to go.
The list we’ve curated below is to help you keep the weight off. Generally, each facet of weight loss maintenance (posed as questions below) can negatively or positively impact weight management.
There are several facets to maintaining an ideal weight:
- Is there any prescription drug use that can cause adverse or beneficial effects?
- How physically active is the person that is trying to maintain their weight?
- Does the person have addictive personality traits or other characteristics that could impact maintaining weight loss?
- How confident is the person about their ability to lose weight?
- Is their diet sustainable?
- Does this person live with a mental health condition?
- Does this person manage stress adequately?
- Is there a support group and do they continue to be active within those supportive circles past goal achievement? Supported individuals show more success with weight loss.
- Does the existing diet and exercise routine feel good and doable? Tasks should feel attainable.
- Is their exercise routine challenging or stagnant? Our body adapts and then we hit plateaus which is fine if you’re maintaining every other area of your life.
- Does this person have access to and knowledge of how to prepare healthy meals?
- Has any unhealthy relationship with food been acknowledged and rectified?
- Is restraint displayed (i.e., proportion, frequency, balance, quality) in regards to eating or drinking in social situations?
- Did this person historically eat to self-soothe and do they now practice non-food-related ways to cope with hard situations or daily stressors?
- Has this person been able to modify or adapt exercise within their capabilities?
To maintain your figure, scrutinize areas of life (e.g., emotional and physical health) that could cause unwanted choices. For illustration, if you answered no to any of these questions, then you are now aware of the problem, and it will be so much easier to start dealing with it. Once you know the problem solutions that work with your lifestyle are easier to look up.
Last Trick to Keep Weight Off, Eat More (of the Good Stuff)
There is one more small bit of advice we can offer you. What you did to get to your desired weight doesn’t have to be what you do to maintain your weight. For example, if weight training is a part of your routine then as your muscles grow you’ll need to increase caloric intake.
An increase in calories is also recommended in general. “After a period of weight loss and maintenance, those who prefer to count their calories can begin to increase their intake of nutritious calories by 200 kcal's per week,” recommends John Hopkins Medicine. “Stop increasing calorie intake when if weight gain happens.”
Changes to your lifestyle will naturally require you to adapt and modify your new habits.