Going to the gym certainly isn’t the only way to get fit, but in some cases the anxiety is so strong it prevents people from working out entirely — and from reaching their health and fitness goals!
Here are our tips from our #BCRXFAM for conquering this crippling fear that you don’t belong. Here are some of our favorite responses:
1. Don’t care what other people think. Do it for you. —Amber Renee Knight
2. We’re all there for the same reason. Just go! It may change your life! —Kerri Murphy Wolendowski
3. Find one machine that feels like an easygoing, comforting warm-up. Start there each time. —Zan LeStat Ferris
4. I did initially, especially lifting weights (that’s where most of the men are). I faked confidence until I really did feel confident. I’m there to be the best me I can and that’s it. —Beverly Kelley Jeter
5. Start on something simple. Take a class. Start with a few simple machines and use light weights. ASK someone. Gym managers will show you how to use the equipment. Go when it’s not busy and you will feel more relaxed. As long as you go, most people are willing to help. —Cheryl Davis
6. Realize that everyone else is self-conscious too and more worried about their own looks than yours. —Shauna Carpenter
7. Think about yourself. Ignore those thoughts that weigh you down. You will find that you succeed. Now, who wants to work out! —Walter Weaver
Got it??? Now go conquer that workout!!!