Our Customers Are Using BCRX Nourish Shakes to Get Snatched!
“I make a very good shake, by the way, lol”-C.
Charnae (one of our lovely customers) joins us to talk about all things wellness (like replacing a whole meal with a single protein shake!) She’s also giving you some encouraging advice that will cheer you on.
BCRX: Thanks again, Charnae, for filling out our survey and doing this interview with me. You mentioned you began using BCRX as a part of a new fitness journey you began with your sister, what’s some of the biggest obstacles you guys have had with wellness routines in the past?
I drink it around 6am and I won’t start feeling hungry until about 12 noon
C: Thanks to answering your question, my sister and I started together she was kinda hesitant about it but I found BCRX on Instagram then I told my sister and she was like I've known about it just never tried it. So I was like I’m trying it, so that made her try it out. My biggest obstacle was not seeing the results right away, I was kinda discouraged, but I saw a lot of women on the website with the same issues and kept going and started seeing results
BCRX: We do the craziest diets before we find the right routine for us. You mentioned you swap out breakfast for the Nourish Protein (our meal replacement protein shakes) about how long would you say it takes before you start feeling those stubborn hunger pains?
C: I was like ok if I can't eat breakfast I’ll try a meal replacement, where I could put basically anything in it. So I started doing that and my days start early in the morning here in California at 5 am, so I’ll make my shake put in the fridge while I’m getting ready for work, then I drink it around 6 am and I won’t start feeling hungry until about 12 noon
BCRX: Were you big on “having” to eat breakfast before? (I know there’s a lot of mixed information online about if we have to eat breakfast to be healthy; personally I skip breakfast, too.) And since you spilled the beans you make a yummy protein shake, you said to quote you, “I make a very good shake by the way, lol.” We would love it if you’d share your secret recipes with all of us :)
To everybody that’s just starting BCRX, I know it’s tough not seeing the results as fast as you want them to show, but trust me if you keep going you’ll start seeing results in your clothes and the scale.
C: Yes, I was big on having breakfast. I’ll have like two hard-boiled eggs in the morning and some avocado toast, but I started getting busy working a second job, so I didn’t have time to make breakfast anymore. And yes, I make a yummy smoothie. What I put in my smoothie is cherries- tropical fruits like mango, peaches, coconut, papaya and I also put kale, spinach, and avocado. I also put strawberries and blueberries and I put unsweetened almond milk, but I always switch it up.
BCRX: Going back to your fitness journey; though, you mentioned you workout about 5 times a week, what’s a typical workout look like for you? Do you workout on just the protein shake or after you have lunch?
C: Since I have work early in the mornings, I start my day off with a shake. So I’ll start my workouts after lunch depending on if I’m off that day from my second job, but I’ll usually have a snack in between before I go to the gym.
BCRX: Okay, that sounds like the perfect balance: A shake gets you through the morning, then lunch, a power snack, followed up by the gym.
Before we wrap things up, do have any helpful advice for our readers? Again, thank you Charnae. We appreciate you being one of our amazing BCRX ladies.
C: To everybody that’s just starting BCRX, I know it’s tough not seeing the results as fast as you want them to show. Trust me, if you keep going you’ll start seeing results in your clothes and the scale. And make sure you eat healthily and keep on track with your fitness goal and you’ll start loving the mirror.