It’s hard to believe that the iconic Halle Berry is 51 years old! YES, FIFTY ONE!! The actress/director is well known for her fit body as much as her resume. BCRx gets the scoop directly from Hally Berry on what she does to stay fit, zen and fifty-FINE!
I really like working with these very inexpensive bands because they require the use of my own body weight. I want to build strength while staying long and lean. I never want to bulk up so I rarely use traditional weights. These bands are so easy to carry that they allow me to exercise wherever I go. I can work out in my trailer while filming, in my office, on vacation in a hotel room, at the beach, in my living room or just about anywhere.
Now, if your goal is to build more muscle mass the bands come in different resistant strengths. So you can actually add bulk if you want to still using your own body weight. And yes ladies, we love our guys with a little bulk!
There is a lot of strength and power in stillness. I find that having the ability to be still and calm in the most stressful situations is extremely powerful and empowering. Lord knows I have faced my fair share of adversity—as I’m sure many of you have—and the ability to be still and access my personal power has been a lifesaver. These exercises not only help you with your physical strength and stamina but they also encourage your mental strength and help you access your personal power. Hold each of these exercises for 30 seconds to one minute, but if your fitness level allows hold as long as you possibly can.
Hello from Bora Bora! I often find it’s hard to keep up my #fitness routine while traveling—after all, vacation is vacation. For this trip I set a goal for myself. I dared myself to work out every day no matter what! I start each morning with a 30 min light run on the beach to get my heart pumping and blood flowing. In my room when I get back, I then do 5 very simple and extremely effective exercises, which I share with you today on my IG Stories and Fitness icon on my profile. I do each one for 5 sets 50 reps. It helps me keep my butt in the air while in #paradise 😂 Also I’ve been able to eat totally keto! Today I dare you to set a goal for yourself and STICK WITH IT no matter what! Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Many have asked me to explain how I actually meditate. I think we all can agree that throughout our journey called life, we find ourselves in situations where we feel defeated, hurt, insecure, betrayed unhappy, angry, lonely, scared and so on. I’ve learned that in my darkest hours, my inner strength is most available to me. I’d like to share with you a simple #meditation that helps me connect to that inner strength and move more easily through the tough times.
First, I get myself into a pose or position where my physical strength is slightly challenged. I’ve been working hard to perfect the #crow pose for this meditation. It's important that I choose a pose I know I can hold for at least 5 minutes. Depending on your fitness level, choose a pose or position that works for you.
For the first minute, I start by bringing my mind to whatever unpleasant issue I’m facing and I hold these feelings in my mind's eye.
Then for one minute, I tell the feelings to leave my body. As I do this, I imagine the feelings leaving my body and dancing in front of me. Soon the feelings leave and I feel a lightness come over me. For the next minute, I try to create a welcoming space for those feelings. I’ve found that resistance only makes them stronger. I let the feelings play out, and I allow myself to imagine the worse thing that could happen if I held onto those feelings.
For another minute, I tell myself that I have ultimate power over those feelings and I imagine the best possible outcome of my problematic situation.
I spend the last minute being in a space of gratitude, feeling physically healthy, mentally strong and well.
After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. The shoulder stand is one of my favorite yoga poses, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few.
By BCRx Staff @HalleBerry Instagram.