Are Sex Hormones Making You Unnecessarily Moody?
Are you feeling off and you're not entirely sure why? Have you considered if your hormones are making you unnecessarily moody? Let's talk about how and why by getting to know each of the main sex hormones.
We'll also cover how an imbalance could manifest and feel.
Estrogen is a sex hormone in women. It's produced in your ovaries and is a key player in ovulation and menstruation function.
What would an imbalance feel like:
How an estrogen imbalance feels depends on if there's too much or not enough estrogen.
Too much estrogen feels like:
- Depressive Moods
- Depression
- Poor Sleep Quality
- Low Sex Drive
- Anxiety
- Unexpected Weight Gain
- Period Problems
When there's too much estrogen in the body, it can increase the chance of cancer. However, too little estrogen can result in mood disorders. Women unavoidably experience a drop in estrogen as they get older, but when it happens before menopause, it can cause complications:
- Osteoporosis or Weakened Bones
- Fertility Issues
- Menstrual problems
- Obesity
What could cause an imbalance?
Estrogen imbalances could occur because an individual has a genetic predisposition for hormonal issues.
Low levels of this hormone could be due to ovarian cysts or eating disorders. Extreme diets and too much exercise can also be a factor in too little of the sex hormone. Other things to consider if you are experiencing low estrogen symptoms include cancer treatments like chemotherapy and substance abuse.
Mainly this sex hormone is known for its part in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy support, but it does have other functions. During puberty, progesterone "stimulates the growth of breast tissue." In somewhat new research scientists are also finding that the sex hormone can also promote brain and heart health.
What would an imbalance feel like:
For those not pregnant low progesterone could result in a slew of bad feelings. Mood changes, migraines, headaches, spotting, and poor sleep can result from low progesterone.
What could cause an imbalance?
If you're experiencing hormone imbalances stemming from low progesterone it could be caused by an increase in cortisol (the stress hormone), low cholesterol, skipping ovulation, or excess prolactin production.
Testosterone is commonly associated with men, but it's also integral for women's health.
In women, this stereotypical male androgen hormone is produced within the ovaries, fat cells, and adrenal glands. Its production factors into "sex drive, red blood cell production, muscle strength, and bone mass," says DukeHealth Practice Kernodle Clinic.
What would an imbalance feel like:
Low testosterone is a nuanced sensation that can leave women feeling a lower desire for intimacy, less satisfaction with sexual encounters, and overall lower energy levels.
There are actually a few more odd symptoms of low testosterone in women from thinning and dry skin and hair loss. And since testosterone helps with muscle strength, not enough of this hormone can result in "an overall decrease in strength," says Dr. Leigh Ann Scott. Scott says low levels of this hormone is more common than most would assume.
What would too much testosterone feel like?
When the T ratio is off in women they can also begin to see the imbalances physically affect their bodies. Some symptoms of high testosterone include:
-Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) or slowly losing your hair due to scalp scarring.
- An Enlarged Clitoris
- Deepening of the Voice
- Infertility
- Acne
- Muscle Mass Growth
What could cause an imbalance?
Several conditions could cause high levels of T like cogenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Too little testosterone in women could simply happen because of aging or menopause. More serious reasons for a woman to experience low T include "issues with their ovaries or the pututiary or adrenal glands," says Medical News Today.
If you feel like you're experiencing unexplainably low energy levels or a sudden decrease in your sex drive you can always bring up your concerns with your doctor. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and if you feel strongly enough ask for hormone testing.